Listed below are the Business Services we offer. This list is by no means exhaustive, and our team of friendly staff are more than happy to talk about any services not listed here that you might require.


Have you ever wondered…

  • How your business performs compared to your competitors?
  • What is their average bottom line?
  • Are you spending enough on advertising?
  • Are you paying too much rent?
  • Are your staff costs too high?

Surviving in today’s business climate requires you to spend more time working on your business rather than in it.

We can provide you with accurate, timely, informative benchmarking reports that enable you to:

  • See how your business compares to your competitors
  • Understand more about how the rest of your industry works
  • Analyse the key performance indicators in your industry

Equipped with this information, we’ll work with you to develop action strategies that improve your bottom line.

Bookkeeping and Accounting

Modern business demands up-to-date, accurate financial information. We can relieve you and your staff of the enormous burden of all your bookkeeping and accounting requirements, including the preparation of your annual accounts and periodic management accounts for tax, business appraisal, planning purposes, and more.

We will discuss your requirements with you and provide information relevant to your particular situation, as well as constructive advice, on a regular basis.


A good budget is a necessity for a good business plan. It is one of the best business tools you can have, enabling you to set financial targets and measure your performance. The techniques we utilise to form financial projections enable you to consider future scenarios and provide you with goals to strive for in your business. In addition to goal-setting value, budgets will often improve your chances of acquiring funding. Financiers often require forecasts as a prerequisite for funding approval. The techniques we utilise to form financial projections enable you to consider future scenarios and provide you with goals to strive for in your business. There are many types of budgets. We can help you design the right budget for your requirements. Let us show you how a budget can provide feedback that helps you prepare for the future of your business!

Business Startup

If you have a good idea for a new business venture but don’t have expertise in the legal or financial aspects, we can help you:

  • Decide on the most suitable structure for your business – Sole trader, partnership, or limited company
  • Prepare a business plan, cash flow projections, budgets, and trading forecasts
  • Assess your finance requirements, advise on the best sources of finance, and draw up the necessary proposals
  • Establish a good working relationship with your bank
  • Complete any registration procedures with Companies House, Inland Revenue, or Customs and Excise
  • Deal with company secretarial issues
  • Set up a recording system for your internal use and for complying with statutory requirements

Let us help you turn your business idea into a reality!

Cash Flow Forecasting

Are you holding too much inventory? Is this the right time to expand your business? Are you going to have enough cash to pay all expenses every month? Surviving in today’s business climate requires you to spend more time working on your business than in it.

We can provide you with accurate, timely, informative cash flow forecasting reports that enable you to:

  • Realise and understand when cash is available
  • Plan and prepare for expansion, stock control, and taxes
  • Analyse and anticipate key expenses

Equipped with this information, we’ll work with you to develop action strategies that improve your bottom line.

Payroll Services

Administering your payroll can be time-consuming and divert you from your core business activities. Added to this, payroll and employment legislation are growing increasingly complex.

We can relieve you of this burden by providing a comprehensive, confidential payroll management service that includes:

  • Customised payslips
  • Administration of PAYE, statutory sick pay, and annual leave
  • IR-filing to the IRD
  • Summaries and analyses of staff costs
  • Administration of incentive schemes, bonuses, and termination payments

Even if you only have a few employees, you will save by engaging us to administer your payroll.

Strategic Planning

The pressures of daily business can often mean strategic planning takes a back seat, but to have a successful business, it is vital to plan ahead. We’ll help you establish a strategic plan that examines where you want your business to be in the next 3-5 years and exactly how you and your team can achieve these aims and objectives.

Your strategic plan will:

  • Define the characteristics of your company in three to five years
  • Identify your competitors
  • Define your objectives and financial goals
  • Include an effective implementation strategy to achieve your goals